Visit the Sportsbook desk to join us on our journey to the Keno future! Monarch is leading the way for automation in the 21st century. As technology evolves, so do most of our Keno games. We are combining traditional with modern to stay ahead of the trend. We are offering unique pay tables to create a special experience for our guests.
Purchase tickets by selecting your numbers and then all that's left to do is sit back and relax as numbers are drawn. Players can follow along live in the casino or can do so electronically with the below tracker.
Lucky Number 7
How to play and win:
Pick seven numbers
Ask for Lucky Number 7, or write "L7" on your ticket
Watch the next ten games to see if you've won!
— For each game —
4 out of 7 pays $7
5 out of 7 pays $17
6 out of 7 pays $777
7 out of 7 pays $17,777
*Awarded when 7 out of 7 numbers marked are drawn on 6 or more of the 10 games played. One hour of Keno is defined as 10 consecutive Keno games, usually played over the course of an hour. Once the computer generated ticket is issued, the same seven number selected will play for all ten games.
Crazy 11
Crazy 11 Casino Keno
Step right up and play one of our favorite variations on a classic casino game. With Crazy 11 Keno at Monarch Casino, players can win up to $100,000 with a perfect keno board. Zero matches still nets the player $40 on each board, ensuring you’ll be a winner every round regardless of how you do.
To play, players can purchase tickets at the main keno desk. After selecting 11 numbers and writing “CZ” on the ticket, sit back and relax over the next five games so what you’ve won!
— For each game —
0 out of 11 pays $40 5 out of 11 pays $2
6 out of 11 pays $40 7 out of 11 pays $100
8 out of 11 pays $1,000 9 out of 11 pays $10,000
10 out of 11 pays $50,000 11 out of 11 pays $100,000
Purchase tickets at the main Keno desk. Your selected numbers remain the same until your ticket is completed. No Quit Race allowed. Please check your tickets for accuracy prior to leaving the Keno desk. All jackpots will be paid by computer generated tickets. Must be 21. Management reserves all rights.