Keno - Crazy 11

Crazy 11

  • Pick 11 numbers and write "CZ" on your ticket
  • Watch the next five games to see if you've won!
— For each game —
0 out of 11 pays $405 out of 11 pays $2
6 out of 11 pays $407 out of 11 pays $100
8 out of 11 pays $1,0009 out of 11 pays $10,000
10 out of 11 pays $50,00011 out of 11 pays $100,000

Purchase tickets at the main Keno desk. Your selected numbers remain the same until your ticket is completed. No Quit Race allowed. Please check your tickets for accuracy prior to leaving the Keno desk. All jackpots will be paid by computer generated tickets. Must be 21. Management reserves all rights.