Here are answers to additional questions we have collected over the past week.
- What is my PTO balance?
Please contact HR directly for any questions regarding your personal PTO balance. - Do I have to use my PTO or can I take time unpaid?
After the first fourteen days of furlough, affected Team Members may take any accrued PTO, at their option; no Team Members will lose their seniority or position as a result
of an extended leave during this time. Please contact Human Resources if you wish to take accrued PTO.
- Will my health benefits end on 4/16/2020?
We are actively monitoring actions at the Federal and State level to help employees of businesses that were forced to close by the government, and will provide an update as soon as possible
on extension of benefits and healthcare coverage beyond April 15.
- If my health benefits will end on 4/16/2020 can I pay for my benefits via personal check or credit card to have them continue?
We are actively monitoring actions at the Federal and State level to help employees of businesses
that were forced to close by the government, and will provide an update as soon as possible on extension of benefits and healthcare coverage beyond April 15.
- If I have to go on COBRA because our benefits end what are the costs for COBRA?
We are actively monitoring actions at the Federal and State level to help employees of businesses that were forced to close by the government, and
will provide an update as soon as possible on extension of benefits and healthcare coverage beyond April 15.
- Can I use my PTO to help my benefits extend past 4/16/2020?
We are actively monitoring actions at the Federal and State level to help employees of businesses that were forced to close by the government, and will provide an update
as soon as possible on extension of benefits and healthcare coverage beyond April 15.
- Can salaried TM’s file for unemployment or is it just hourly?
Like hourly TM’s, salaried Team Members do not have to wait until April 2nd to file for unemployment. Team Members can file at any time. Team Members who
see a reduction in hours or furloughs are also encouraged to apply for unemployment benefits, which can provide partial wage replacement, at Notably,
Team Members have been furloughed; Team Members have NOT been laid off. Currently, Monarch intends to bring every Team Member back upon reopening. When filing for Unemployment make sure you are checking the option “job attached.” Due
to being furloughed vs laid off. Please see the attached Guide to Unemployment Benefits for more information
- Do salaried TM’s have to wait to file till after April 2nd to file for unemployment?
No – see answer above.